Prison – Artist Talk

Sunday November 17th at 2 p.m., there will be an artist talk about the exhibition Prison at Hafnarborg, where Olga Bergmann and Anna Hallin will discuss the exhibition, which proceeds from work they produced for The Hólmsheiði Prison, but a full-sized cell has been built in the museum in the same dimensions as the actual prison cells.

At the exhibition, the artists raise questions about surveillance, imprisonment and life inside – as well as outside – the walls of the prison. Inside the prison, the prisoners are obviously under constant surveillance, even if they also live outside the all-encompassing surveillance system of modern society, which most people take part in, more or less of their own free will.

The world of the prisoner is thus clearly defined, being separated from our world, while other borders and boundaries are gradually fading away, in the ever-shrinking, ever-connected world of social media and smartphones, where we can follow most things happening around us, except the very things happening inside the walls of the surveillance facility itself.

Free entry and everyone welcome.