In My Language – Guided Tour in English

Monday August 5th at 2 p.m., we invite you to a guided tour in English of our current exhibitions: Time and Time Again, presenting works by artists Arna Óttarsdóttir, Leslie Roberts and Amy Brener, and Cassiopeia by Guðný Guðmundsdóttir. The event is part of the museum’s programme In My Language, which aims at welcoming guests to Hafnarborg in various languages, thus making the museum more accessible to people of different backgrounds. The programme is supported by the Museum Fund.

Ideas about time are woven into the works of all three artists participating in the exhibition Time and Time Again, as one might say they collect traces of our present through personal interpretation. There is also a certain lightness, or a sense of humor in their works – a sense of nonchalance – which could be interpreted as an attempt to recognize the absurdity of the times we live in. Perhaps, their works can be read as an attempt to stop time, or even step out of the present.

Guðný Guðmundsdóttir’s exhibition Cassiopeia features new and recent works by the artist, made on paper and in clay, as well as video works. Through the mirror of art, the works invoke ideas of bruised ego, vanity and self-adulation, seeking inspiration from Greek mythology. The viewer enters a world of references, encountering titles in various languages, inscriptions and named figures or beings from classical myths. Pulling us backwards and forwards in time, the works make us contemplate the relationships hidden within, forming a constellation that perhaps brings up more questions than answers.

Free entry – see you at Hafnarborg.