The Hafnarborg Songfest – Master Class in the Main Gallery

From its inception, The Hafnarborg Songfest has offered a master class for advanced singers. This year, the class takes place from June 19th until the 22nd, filling the museum with music and song for its duration. The class is held in Hafnarborg’s main gallery, starting in the morning and ending in the afternoon, so guests of the museum will be able to enjoy the singing practice during their visit of the current exhibitions. At the end of the course, the participants will perform at a special concert on Thursday June 22nd at 8 p.m. as part of The Songfest. This time, the instructor is renowned singer Kristinn Sigmundsson, with the support of pianist Matthildur Anna Gísladóttir, who will also accompany the singers at the concert.

For more information about The Hafnarborg Songfest, please visit the offical website at