They Yulitide Lads mobile Spoon-Licker is now available at our shop. The mobile is designed by design team Arnar&Arnar and the ornament comes with a poem composed by Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir. Spoon-Licker is the last Yule Lad in the Yuletide Lads series by the Benefit Society for Children with Disabilities, having presented sixteen ornaments in the series. The series then includes the thirteen Icelandic Yule Lads and their parents Grýla and Leppalúði, as well as the Yule Cat.

A host of the nation‘s most accomplished designers and poets have joined forces with the Benefit Society in order to bring their interpretation of these characters to life. Candle-Stealer was first in the series, having been made available for purchase before Christmas 2003.
Hafnarborg has long been among the sellers of the Yuletide Lads and the Globe of Goodwill, but due to delays in the manufacturing and shipping process of the Globe, it will be available a few days later than normal. The Globe of Goodwill will thus be available for purchase from December 9th until December 23rd. All proceeds from the sale of the Globe of Goodwill and the Yuletide Lads go to the Benefit Society for Children with Disabilities.
The Yuletide Lads mobile, presented as a limited edition, will be available at our shop from December 2nd until December 16th.