Culture Walk – Walking through Vellir

Wednesday June 5th at 8 p.m., historian Stefán Pálsson, will lead a walk through Vellir in Hafnarfjörður, which is one of the youngest neighbourhoods in the great capital area. Still, it has strong roots, having various connections to Icelandic industry, in particular. This then gives rise to the question how young any given town district can be before it can be considered to have its own history.

The walk will start at Hraunvallaskóli.

The town of Hafnarfjörður offers a programme of special health and culture walks every Wednesday evening through the summer. The walks usually last for one hour, starting at 8 p.m. The walks are a collaborative project by Hafnarborg, The Hafnarfjörður Museum, The Hafnarfjörður Library and The Health Town Hafnarfjörður. Participation is free of charge and everyone is welcome. The event is in Icelandic.